1. What if you had to wear one item of clothing every single day for the rest of your life?
Could it be bracelet? Maybe underwear then but it wont last that long….
2. What if you had to stay in one town/city and never step foot outside its lines for the rest of your life?
Same place where I am now–with my friends at Keila.
3. What if you had to eat and drink only one kind of food and one kind of beverage for the rest of your life?
Lasagne or macaronis with salad and apple juice.
4. What if you had to pretend to be someone else for the rest of your life?
I’d pretend to be the way I want to be now but cant because I haven’t that strong character.
5. What if you could only have one of your five senses (touch, sight, hearing, smell, or taste) for the rest of your life?
If I have to eat the same then I want to feel taste too.

It was nice school free day today, we just visited museum. It was great especially those talks in bus with my friends, Kelly really made me laugh a lot, until tears even. Tomorrow there will be last day when teachers can put marks, after there will be just consultations for coming exams in June. And on Friday results of homepages competition will be published at www.hot.ee

Nüüd siis ka koos giidiga Kadrioru loss külastatud, tänu sellele ka koolivaba päev ;)). Homme on üldse viimane päev kui hindeid pannakse, pärast seda on vaid konsultatsioonid eksamite pärast. Reedel aga kuulutatakse välja hoti kodulehtede konkursi võitjad. Ega ma loodagi võita, aga esimeste hulka võiks ikka saada, no nii esimesed 50 600-st.