Having not the best mood at the moment because of sickness. I’ve been coughing for the last days and I have a cold in the head too. I had a little temperature also before but luckily it has gone away.
There will be one more schoolweek before the spring holiday. I really look forward to spring when snow melts totally and trees burst into leaves. And all birds start to sing and so on. Things like that give me energy and good thoughts.
We have a foreign teacher at school right now. We have totally 15 lessons with him. He started with EU and its institutions, then we had paranormal phenomena and next week we will have human rights and astrology. Also some people including me attend yoga. I find such things very great because it’s interesting and also useful to our English skills.
I got approval for my titmice fanlist finally and finished it. Though the link is still dead at thefanlistings because category has some problems. When it will be up there, I’ll give you a link too.
I think that’s all for now. Don’t catch cold. Bye!