Erinevaid pärleid ülikooli ja IT-tudengite kohta:
Discovering Amarok’s features
Must admit than I don’t know about recent features of Winamp, since I haven’t used it much in a year or so, but last time I did, it couldn’t handle file renames. So if I noticed that some file had a name not reflecting track info correctly or I just moved it to a different folder my playlist and library were left broken.
To my surprise when I renamed files and then tried to play them with Amarok it didn’t happen at all. This player has a wonderful feature called AFT: Amarok file tracking. This is simply genius!
It’s somewhat surprising how I’ve got accustomed to Amarok. I remeber I used to miss Winamp in the beginning. But newly discovered AFT and support for listening to directly in player are really great features.
Those of you being brave but using Windows can also give it a try: Amarok for windows.
The Scorpions
Why Latvia and Lithuania get them with Orchestra? That’s simply not fair :(.