Weird dream and sore throat

This night I had a dream about christmas. I’m very well aware it’s just autumn and even leaves haven’t fallen yet and still I had a dream about winter.
I must admit I really like such dreams that have beautiful environment (this one had fairytale like houses aswell that reminded me gingerbread houses). They’re not boring and when you wake up you’re in good mood.
Yet today was different. I woke up having sore throat. And the pain didn’t go away after cup of hot tea. So I’m ill. My nose is running (not too much so I’m suspecting it might get worse) and I’ve sneezed couple of times.
I have no idea when or where I caught this cold as I didn’t even go out yesterday thus I’m thinking that some generous person has gave me this, no idea who though.
So today is probably going-to-bed-early day and tommorrow is schoolday-with-hot-coldrex-in-the-morning day.

13 icons + banner to make + school choices

So I’m making icons and banner for Estonian e-University. No, I’m not hired or anything like that. It’s just a competition.
But I do have only 6 icons done which means there’s a lot to be done. I’m supposed to send them on 30. September or before to compete. Considering that I’d like to send them in two color combination… even more work. It’s not WORK meaning I don’t like it I just don’t have that enthusiasm I had at the beginning.
School started on the first of September. We had this lesson where our homeroom teacher informed us about changes and reminded us some rules. We got Monday’s schedule and after that we took first-graders to festive grounds where we listened to bunch of speeches and few songs.
What really bothered me was that the first-graders talked a lot. I wasn’t especially interested in speeches aswell but it wouldn’t hurt to hear some of them.
Next day we had a trip to Tammsaare’s (Estonian writer whose book we had to read during summer) birthplace. There we were showed old buildings and all sorts of tools that were used more than century ago.
Starting from Monday (5th) we were meant to have usual 45min lessons, 36 of them each week. However when I look back at my schedule then we had only 35 lessons :) this week.
In informatics we were informed about Oracle database language that we can learn on our own from some webpage and then get a certificate for that. I’m not quite sure if I have the time and will to do that but I’m tempted since it would be helpful if I choose to study informatics in university.
Also I’m thinking of taking exam in informatics in spring. Not the state exam but the school exam. In Estonia you’re meant to take 5 exams to graduate gymnasium and at least three of them must be state exams. At the moment I’m thinking to take Estonian (compulsory), math and English as state exams. Since I already took chemistry state exam last year I need one more exam. Either informatics or biology, not sure.
And I could also do research in one of them instead of exam so there are MANY choices…

7.-17. august – Pärnu. Loodetavasti ei saja, palju see tähendab. Soe võiks ka olla muidugi. Ja teater võiks töötada. Nagu kiuste 6.-16. augustini pole Endla mängukavas ühtki etendust. Tead muid häid üritusi sel ajal? Palun anna teada.
Ikoonide konkurss. Mõned mõtted ja mõned failid valmis. Ise pole nendega rahul veel.