Friday thoughts

Another schoolweek is over. I know it was five days as usual but it sure seemed longer for some reason.
I didn’t do much though. Usual lessons and learning.
Next week will be harder. Economy and chemistry tests on Tuesday, fhysics on Wednesday, four novels by TÅ¡ehhov for Thursday and 4A4 essay about catastrophes for Friday. I really should do some of them at weekend but it usually fails for me.
Tomorrow is going to be much more pleasant. I’m going to a concert of Estonian piano music (Mina ja klaver). There will be performed some well-known songs written by Olav Ehala and one of great Estonian actresses, Evelin Pang, will also perform. Guess who’s excited? Me!
I also have to call to support of Philips. My cd-player misses tracks for some very weird reason. So far I’ve been putting it off several times cause I doubt they can help me by phone. That means I have to go there, but I just don’t have the time!
I redid both Estonian and English gallery. No new pictures just a bit new design.

I think I got the layout to work properly again. At least it is supposed to work in IE, Firefox and Opera.
Merry Christmas to you!

We have snow! Quite a lot. And no degrees above zero. Seems like a real winter. Hard to believe.
Titmice are back in town. There was show going on at noon. It’s nice to watch them. They’re cute and funny. And my mum agrees with them. Though a dog would be better.
Christmas things are sold at shops. Don’t you think it’s too soon? It’s not even December yet. But they do it every year and hope that they’ll sell more that way. Not to me. I DON’T have Christmas mood and I won’t buy these things more or sooner because of that.
Other kind of ads are pointless too. I just don’t care. These just annoy people. And confuse some of us.