I have two operating systems installed on my laptop for couple of weeks now. Windows XP Home being the one shipped with computer and Ubuntu as the other one.
I think I could say that Windows is still the main one I use. I have my mail in Thunderbird Portable and that is for Windows. That’s also where I do almost all of my documents. Title pages for physics practice lessons, tables and charts for same lessons, all come from MS Office. Sometimes I use 2000 version on my desktop computer, sometimes 2007 2-months trial on my laptop. I don’t feel quite comfortable yet with all the menus they changed, but it looks beautiful and opens slow just as you would expect. I also use CircuitMaker in Windows since I can’t quite stand this Dixi program we are supposed to use on Solaris to do our circuits. I think it’s from 97 and therefore quite ancient.
But I’ve wanted to try Linux for a while and with laptop I can be sure that if I mess anything up it won’t affect the main desktop computer that my mum also uses and that I have the recovery cd for Windows to count on.
I ended up with Ubuntu. I like the overall look, though it feels as if it takes longer to boot from Ubuntu than from Windows. Ethernet internet is working, wifi is not. I’m not sure if I have the patience to make it work. Instead of all those card games that Windows installs with Ubuntu has more games that make you use your brain. For example this game where you have to get four in a row, column or diagonally. I haven’t managed to win yet on 7×7 board just to tie once. At the moment I’m using Sound juicer to play an audio cd, as as far as I know Ubuntu can’t play mp3 automatically. My usb flash sticks also don’t work with Ubuntu and it seems to me that it might be a kernel bug, since I also found it in Launchpad system. One other peculiarity is that even though I have set it to hibernate when laptop’s lid is closed it won’t. But that is one of those not so important things. I guess I just have to get more familiar with the ways Linux works.
So you have been wondering why I’m so off-topic considering the post title? Well, while I was surfing Ubuntu forums this morning Ubuntu warned me about low battery so I plugged in the power adapter. I noticed that the battery icon in upper-right notice area remained the same but for some reason I didn’t think about it more and continued to browse. Soon the battery went completely out and I had to shut down. I was quite frustrated since I thought the adapter had broken and I really need my laptop next week. Until I noticed that the extension cord was turned off. Duh! Of course it wouldn’t charge the battery. As I turned it off last evening I should have remembered to turn it back on! So the good old truth: If you want it to work then turn it on :D.
Did you know?
Is it an ok activity? Does it ignore your privacy? What would be the best way to balance between privacy and security and keeping your employees working? You can decide yourself. http://www.snoopstick.com/faq.htm
Blog.tr.ee gives internal errors. Nice. I wanted to update my address since their harvester doesn’t seem to get posts from my feed properly. Server logs show that it has crawled both the old rss address and the new one that it is redirected to but new posts don’t appear correctly. This site has had more problems in last couple of days than you would expect from such a great site.
Edit: 5 minutes later and it loads again. Maybe I can request an update now? Let’s see.
Didn’t get my mail back in first three minutes like yesterday, so hoping.
Silly me
And I was thinking why I’ve been getting all that comment spam lately. But of course, I updated my version of wordpress a while ago and that must have overwritten wp-comments-post.php file. So that’s why.
You can read what changes I made to it here. To have a decent error page instead of a single line of text you can replace “die” with “wp_die”. I also added the following to keep away those huge-amounts-of-links-posting-robots:
if (substr_count($comment_content, ‘<a href=’)>2){wp_die(__(‘Error: you are not allowed to post more than two links.’));}
It goes right after the line that gives you “Error: please type a comment.” Oh, and if you are a php geek and spot a security issue with using that code, I’d be glad if you let me know since I’m a beginner when it comes to php.
Edit: Since when isn’t wordpress showing you html code? Since when isn’t it surrounding paragraphs with p tags automatically? And why? :S