
I booked the tickets in the center of third row. I did it about month before. I waited for weeks to see it. And just to go and find out that the play has been cancelled because tickets didn’t sell well enough.
And… to hear that actually there was no advertising whatsoever. How did they plan to sell tickets when there was not information about it? I don’t think they would have had problems selling it out completely with just a little advertising since it was additional play. If they sold it out once quickly enough to repeat the play in same place then how comes that there’s not people interested?
I’m so completely dissapointed. It was supposed to be really interesting evening and it turned out to be nothing. And not because of an illness of an actor like it sometimes happens but just because they didn’t bother to advertise.
Advertising can be boring nonsense and all other unpleasant things but it also INFORMS people. And that is not so unimportant.
Oh and lately I’m feeling like I’m attracting negative things just like antenna attracts thunder. I need some positiveness and so far I can’t see much of it. Since it can’t go much worse I’m assuming it will go better. The question is how long I have to wait for that to happen.

In the world of physics

I’ve always thought that physics is interesting but at the same time it’s very complex aswell so I haven’t been very interested in it either.
But lately I was reading one blog which mentioned this site. And well now I can’t stop watching it. So be careful clicking if you’re person who uses mostly “why” of all questions as it is rather addicting.
And that’s quite bad because it slows down my progress in learning Oracle. I know I’ve been talking about it a lot, but I really want to get it correctly done this year and at the same time I have so many other interests aswell that I just don’t have time for it all.
I can’t imagine there were times when I was really bored with no idea what to do with my time. But there were when I was younger. At the moment it seems so impossible even if there were 48 hours in a day.

Digital camera and other pieces on my mind

So I finally have my digital camera. For exactly a month already to be exact. It’s Powershot a610 just as I planned and the day before yesterday I bought rechargeable batteries for it as I was using alkalines so far. I haven’t used it very much yet but even so I’m convinced that it was right decision to buy that camera. It is easy to use automatic mode and just a bit harder to use manual modes. I feel that I need to learn the basics of photography more, since I sometimes feel that the camera could do better if I could set better combination of aperture and shutter speed. I’ve uploaded some of my pictures here. I especially like the one at left.
Otherwise I’m busy with school. In biology we have to make a presentation about greenhouse effect at 15th, it couldn’t have been better day than my bday.
I like math better. I participated in county olympiad and got 1.-2. place :). However I believe that exercises were in some way simpler than they have usually been. Another thing is that many talented students from our county study at Tallinn’s schools so competition at county olympiad isn’t so hard.
In Informatics we learn to use Gimp which is great because I know many things already. For others it seems to be difficult to get used to with Gimp windows and the way of handling layers.
Also sparknotes.com is a lifesaver. Sure I almost always read the books we have to for literature but some books like “The Trial” by Franz Kafka are hard to understand and it makes it easier to write an essay after reading sparknotes’ summary and commentary. So I’m rather relieved after noticing that next book we have to read “The Plague” by Albert Camus is also listed there.
There’s this song “Lõpulaul” performed by Evelin Pang on the cd called “Rändamine” that I really want. It sounded very great live in summer 2004 but I’m afraid that the cd is too expensive to buy since I only want one song. Oh well a cd with Tallinn City Theatre songs is supposed to come out soon and I won’t miss that one. And… I managed to get 3rd row tickets for Ugala’s play “Lõõmav pimedus” at 3rd March so I have something to look forward to. I like that feeling.
Now off to clean my room and read through biology material.

Another end of the year

Christmas is over by now and that’s sad. I listened to christmas songs yesterday because I just didn’t want to loose the mood. It’s such a great time of the year. As for presents I’m very happy this year. I got many interesting things and these are not to collect dust on the shelf as I don’t like such presents. To name some: 1000 piece puzzle (finished it today, so that makes 6 days to put it together), ceramic colours, two pairs of socks with christmas things on them, cookbook of Christmas food (I’m not frequent cooker but this one really makes me to want to cook, especially since these receipts suit other days aswell not only Christmas, anyone wants to come over to cook?), nice soft bath towel. I also planned to buy myself a digital camera but they had it sold out at the cheapest shop, so I’ll get it at the beginning of new year.
Yesterday I watched Pirates of the Carribean with my friend and I enjoyed it very much. It has an interesting storyline, professional actors, good jokes and music. Also there were some very nice quotes. The one I liked most:

Jack Sparrow: Me? I’m dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It’s the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they’re going to do something incredibly… stupid. (looking at Will).

So if you don’t tend to watch movies right after they’re released like me then I suggest you to watch this one.
So far I’ve been enjoying holidays completely. But I’m starting to think about all duties that are waiting. I need to read Arc de Triomphe by Remarque, learn more Oracle at Oracle Academy website and sort some things out about my future education. Also as I discovered I need to organize my contacts and their info since I’ve been thinking quite often lately whether I have forgotten someone’s birthday or not.
I might not be in mood of blogging before I finally get my digital camera so I’ll do it now: Happy New Year everybody!