Camp overview and yellow socks

In the beginning of this month I attended art camp. I stayed with *counts* 11 people at house near Kloogaranna Youth Camp.
By the end of the camp I had 8 oil paintings and bunch of mosquitobites and a burnt leg. Yeah I know it’s weird to have sunburnt leg but that’s what I had due to sitting in fixed position in direct sunshine one day. As a matter of fact it was so burnt that it actually hurt. However I managed to burn my shoulders on a trip to Haapsalu later. So right now I’m losing some of my skin.
Despite that I’ve only went to camp twice I really like camps for being in different environment, getting new friends and good weather (both times).
Day before yesterday I went shopping hoping to get a blouse but returned with cute yellow socks and four hair elastics: two of them white and two steelblue. But the best are the socks, one look at them and you’re happy again, yellow is powerful color :)

Ajavahemik 3.-8. möödus kunstilaagris. Elasime ühes majakeses Kloogaranna noortelaagri lähedal.
Seekord said kõik tööd õlivärvidega tehtud, sellest tulenevalt ka üksjagu tüütut vahendite küürimist. Nii laagris kui pärast, sest ma polnud nii tubli, et oleks kõik laagris ära küürinud.
Noortelaagris oli samal ajal mingi balti kristlik noortelaager, nii et nalja sai ka. Samal ajal kui nemad omavahel räägivad ja tõsimeeli usuvad, et vahest sa ei saa aru…ja teismelised piibel kaenlas pole kah just tavalisim vaatepilt.
Aga kokkuvõtlikult oli täitsa tore. See tähendab, et sääskesid, parme ja muid mutukaid ma ei maini lihtsalt.
Ja muide galeriisse lisandus ka üks pilt.

The blithe posting

School is finally over. Though I need to go there few times more to help with graduates celebration meeting (isn’t there better word for it in English or is it just my dictionary?) and maybe we’ll perform with the choir aswell. That isn’t sure yet since the performing we were supposed to have tomorrow at ninthgraders celebration meeting (again this weird word combination) was canceled because many of us can’t come.
But back to the point. It’s over because my exam is over. Of course it has been over for many hours but so far I didn’t know the result. Now comes the important part: I got 94 points out of 100 for my chemistry exam! Mh, I logged in and checked once more to actually believe again, lol.

Edaspidi ei ole enam eraldi eestikeelset külalisteraamatut. Kõik sissekanded kirjuta siia. Vanemaid sissekandeid vaata siin.