Bad, bad Kubuntu

My Kubuntu occasionally finds it hard to hibernate. First I thought that the swap partition was too small and this was reported in system log too sometimes. But this is not always the case. It was happening in Karmic and continues to happen in Lucid that I installed week ago. This is mostly annoying only though. I should really try to find out the real cause.

As it didn’t hibernate again last night I went for shutdown. All seemed fine. My first boot this morning was to Kubuntu, check email, hibernate, done. The second boot was into Windows 7 because TTCN-3 tool I need for class only works in Windows. Still all good, working, applying Windows updates, reboot, shutdown.

And then I booted to Kubuntu again. Whole networking system was down. Right-clicking network manager reveals “Networking disabled”. iwl3945 driver does some tricks at times, so I unload and reload that driver. Nothing. Iwconfig. No interface. Ifconfig. Nothing except lo. Ok, so I have a laptop that does no networking at all and I have no idea what’s wrong. Sure, this is a beta, but first reboot after last updates worked fine.

This time booting with live version on USB. Short search on Google suggests that /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state might have NetworkingEnabled set to false. To my surprse this is exactly the case. Set to true, restart network manager and it’s all working again.

What I don’t understand is how the heck did it get set to false first place?

Oh, and does anybody know where screwdrivers like to hide? I had one around and can’t find it any more. If you’re Kadri then no, it’s not the one I borrowed from you, it’s the other one.

Kolm Mozilla parandust, mis kohe tuju heaks teevad

414520 – Lõpuks ometi tuleb Sertifitseerimiskeskuse juursertifikaat kohe Firefoxiga kaasa. Ei pea enam lisama id-kaardi kasutamiseks ega muudkui Firefoxile kinnitama, et https-ühendust krüptiv sertifikaat on ok kasutada. Ja selleks on vaja vaid viimast stabiilset versiooni kasutada.

495020 – Ma loen pidevalt Thunderbrdis meile selles kaustade vaates, kus kuvatakse ainult need kaustad, kus lugemata poste on. Ja kui keset postituse lugemist muutub iseenesest aktiivseks teine kaust ja loetav materjal kaob eest ära, siis ei ole väga tore. Tundub, et kuigi püsisin mõnda aega beeta-liini peal, siis nüüd on kiusatus uuesti arendusversiooni kasutama hakata. Pealegi pole ükski senistest arendusversioonidest ühegi suurema prohmakaga toime tulnud. Teatav tagavarakoopia on muidugi abiks riskide maandamisel :).

Ja viimaks 167951, millega Firefox sai omale tekstilahtrid, mida saab oma suva järgi suuremaks venitada, kui arvamus piisava suurusega kastist ei lähe kokku veebimeistri omaga. Ka see uuendus on hetkel arendusversioonis nagu eelminegi.

Kõige lõppu veel kaks prototüübi tasemel katsetust:
* Contacts ehk kontaktid brauseris. Esialgu piiratud teenuste toega ja mitte millegagi integreeruv, aga kujutate ette sama asja enamlevinud teenuste toe ja Thunderbirdi integratsiooniga?
* Account manager – idee sellest vaatevinklist, et erinevatel veebilehtedel sisse-välja logimine on nii tavaline nähtus, et sellega peaks üks korralik veebilehitseja ilma lisadeta sujuvalt toime tulema. Või siis sellest, et su brauser saab aru, et andsid sülearvuti parajasti sõbrale ja tahad korraga kõigil veebilehtedel välja logida.

Mozilla Camp Europe 09

Mozilla Camp Europe 2009 logo
Mozilla Camp Europe 2009 logo
It would be a shame not to blog about MozCamp so here comes a really late post on the topic.

After a little more than a year of calendar translations and some months of Mozmill tests for calendar I was invited to attend this really nice event.

  • Location: Prague.
  • Point in time: 3-4 October 2009.

At this point I have to thank Clint Talbert who confessed dropping my name. Sadly he couldn’t come himself.

Given the number of interesting talks I really wish I could’ve split myself into three or so: two for talks and one for socializing :D. Nevertheless met all those nice people I’ve communicated with via IRC so far and of course some more great Mozillians.

Noting down here some afterthoughts:

  • Listening to Gandalf’s talk made me realize that it would be really nice to have a Mozilla Communities site for Estonian translation instead of two separate and rather inactive sites currently live. Not sure if this fits into busy everyday agenda any time soon. Maybe it might fit into Sander’s (thinking out loud here :)).
  • L20n is going to very useful for languages like Estonian bringing localization flexibility without burdening native English developers with all the details. I once mistakenly thought it can’t be but Mozilla is obviously bending borders with it as with many other newer technologies like native ogg support, multitouch and accelerometers support in browser.
  • SUMO talk. Sort of got me interested. Anyone willing to step in and localize some of the most popular articles?

From the quirkier side of this world:

  • A man at the airport’s bus stop speaking English, Russian, some languages I don’t know and knowing some Estonian words. Saying that it’s cold compared to India. I’m still wondering if he had just arrived from there or so. :D
  • Internet access at Andel’s hotel. “Internet access is 100% FREE but strangely, to go online, you must first choose a pricing plan then choose a number of units and then press on “Submit”. That will connect you to the internet.” Talk about usability.
  • A must have link in a Mozcamp post – Chris Hofmann parodizing Steve ballmer.
  • Facebook acting up entire time, continuously hanging my Windows session before loading up. I guess that was the collision of open and proprietary?
  • Yellow penguins seen on the boat trip
Calendar people
Calendar team

Finishing up with a picture I didn’t miss as I was most likely checking out at the time this was taken on. Oh, and of course, thanks to both William and Irina for organizing the event!

Kirjavead ja täpitähed

No ei jäta just kõige paremat muljet, kui firma kodulehel täpitähed puudu on või kirjavead vastu vaatavad. Ja nii peaaegu kõigil lehtedel, kus viimase paari päeva jooksul käinud olen. Vahest ma käin valedel lehtedel või peaks tüüpklient ainult pilte vaatama? :D

Näiteid ka siis:
Nod32 – Litsentsi ilmselt võtaks, aga litsensi jätaks võtmata.
Samsung – Klintidele? Ja mitte klientidele? Ma tõesti ei kujuta ette, milliseid elektroonikakaupu ühel klindil tarvis võiks minna.
Canon – Olin unustanud kui ebamugav on täpitähtedeta teksti lugeda. Ajal, mil pole ühtki head põhjust, miks veebilehele täpitähti panna ei saa.

Tegelikkuses otsustan ilmselt ikka hinna/omaduste alusel, aga kergelt tõrvane on see mesi siiski.