For one moment I just stood in front of fridge wondering why there’s binary code on yoghurt. Then I realised it’s not 1110 as 14 but simply 11th October :P
I tried out the exercise of Monday’s C exam. It took me nearly three hours without any hurrying. On Friday I’ll have up to four to do the same with new file and requirements. Getting a 5 should be possible. Of course if it were the real world I would have to use dynamic arrays and memory allocation but for now static does the job. By the way if they say that road repair is from 10th to 20th then is it over on 20th or on 21st?
After that some more math and a lot of schemes and facts about computers and physics exam. And then it will finally feel like summer, without all those school responsibilities.
I’ve got several ideas of what I’d like to learn while I have more free time, so I need to figure out where to start from. For those of you who freaked out because I plan to study in summer: it is huge difference when you can pick yourself what, how much and when you learn. And if something more interesting gets in the way you can continue later without worrying about all the deadlines.
But in the end I still have to start from one of them, C and C++, Java or PHP, which I have wanted to learn for more than a year I believe but never got to do it.
And then there’s English. I need to find a way not to forget what I already know. Recently I haven’t used it as much as I used to and it will have consequences. So either English book or tv-programme or some job, which I haven’t found yet.
It’s all mathematicians fault
Another math practice lesson. Topic: Fourier’ series. Someone asked the teacher, where’s the point of this rather theoretical excercise.
We (me and my deskmate) had a short theory about that. At first when mathematicians come up with a new idea, it is rather boring for students to learn, because you can’t apply it yet. They’re not satisfied. Then physisists come up with something new and discover that this seemingly pointless theory mathematicians have is useful. They come up with a great gadget and it is used most often by military in a war. Only after people have survived that they can actually use the gadget to make their life easier, better, etc. Now there are new students learning the same thing and… no one explains what is the theory useful for or that most probably some gadget they use wouldn’t exist or work without mathematicians’ work.
And so everyone blames mathematicians.
Besides, was that bee just crazy? I don’t like to play tag with something size of my thumb and a sting. Is the fragrance of mimosa the same to bees as cat thyme to cats? Fortunately it couldn’t go through two doors as fast as I.
My mother bought a hula hoop. I believe the last time I twirled it was… em at least 5 years ago or so. But at the moment I can’t stop anymore. It’s fun! And twirling for about 90 seconds isn’t too easy at all if you aren’t in very good physical shape. And I’m not since autumn semester just ended and we have exams and most of time has been conquered by studying. At first I thought in ones and zeros, last few days in logic circuits and some coming days are going to be filled with integrals and such. In the end my paradigm will be ideal gas law.