Who knew? Apparently setting public deadlines does help meeting them. While there are a few corners that are waiting for some additional tweaking the site now has a new design after nearly 11 years. As WordPress’ theming capabilities have improved over time what you’re looking at is actually standard Twenty Seventeen theme with a bit of customization and another bit of custom CSS. As far as I’m aware of mostly everything should work as before.
Theme update
I’ve been thinking about either making a new theme for this site or porting current one over to modern WordPress template for… well, I honestly cannot remember for how many years, at least a few. Never made it to it.
So, here’s the current plan: decide and execute on one of the two options before the end of this summer. By 1st September the latest. Mobile-friendly. Let’s see if writing it down publicly is the bit of motivation that I’ve been missing.
Also, hi to these few lost souls who still read this blog :)
Miks suvalise javascripti lubamine on halb mõte
Sõltub sellest, kui privaatseks keegi oma külastatud veebilehtede nimekirja peab muidugi, aga javascriptiga on võimalik edukalt tuvastada, millistel veebilehtedel sa eelnevalt käinud oled. Hea näide sellest on Start Panicking! lehekülg. See ei tuvasta küll kõiki lehti, vaid kontrollib külastusi konkreetse nimekirja vastu. Küllalt pika nimekirja korral saab aga üsna palju teada, näiteks on nimekirjas 41 .ee lehekülge.
Nipp on iseenesest lihtne. Veebilehe css’is määratakse ära, mis värviga kuvatakse külastatud lehtedele suunavaid linke ja javascripti abil siis tuvastatakse, mis värviga linki kuvatakse. Selle konkreetse augu vältimiseks saab Firefoxis sättida layout.css.visited_links_enabled väärtuseks false, misjärel külastatud linke enam ei eristata või siis keelata ära javascript mõne mugava lisa abil. Vaikimisi on selle väärtus aga true ning javascriptki on lubatud.
See on muidugi vaid üks näide sellest, mida javascriptil teha on võimalik ja juba üsna ammu teada.
Erm, what?
Received the following email today:
The following e-mail has been sent through your titmice fanlisting:
Name: Robert Karlson
Email: edited out
URL: http://www.google.com
Reason for contact: other
Comments: SEO ServicesDear Website Owner|
Our company is on the first page when you search on Google for our primary search term \"SEO Company.\" We would like to do the same for your web site so you can come up for your main keywords as well?
Please reply and I would be happy to send you a proposal.
I’ve got some questions:
- Did he bother to look at the site? It is a non-profit site and therefore unlikely to be optimised for #1 ranking on Google.
- It’s not hard to be first for “SEO company”. They’re not on the first page if you try “SEO” and even if first page for that term refers some general pages like Wikipedia, it does have Seoconsult ranking 4th. If I were to type in “titmice fanlisting” instead of “titmice” it comes up first too. And I hardly believe most people looking for information about titmice are interested in a fanlisting, more often they expect to find general information and Wikipedia is a great resource for that.
- Why is there a pipe character after “Owner”?