Computer question

It’s about BIOS, but I’ll start from the beginning.

It’s been everything but ordinary morning so far. Horrible pain I’ve had for past couple of days finally shows signs of retreat. I never thought that removed tonsils could cause so much ache. So after waking my computer checked the inbox and had a letter where someone asked for a song they saw in my listening list on I got carried away browsing, discovered three interesting blogs and finally ended up reading forum topic about BIOS signals.

So here’s the problem: sometimes when my computer resumes from hibernation I get this long system beep. I’ve been thinking for a while that I should find out what that means but I never really got to do it. But today I sort of stumbled on this thread and it suggests that my computer’s power supply is dead. Or does it? Because I’ve always considered my English good but this site confused me and now I’m not fully sure that my long beep responds to sound defined as continual in award table. Besides “dead” sounds like not working at all, but my computer works, it just gives this beep once in a while. So maybe I’m having a memory problem instead?

How do you know whether you have a power supply or memory problem? How do you repair them?

It’s weird that after all the browsing it is still so early. I expected it to be around 12 but it’s just 11 o’clock. Maybe because I woke up after seven..

Ahhh, cPanel’s logic

I was trying to copy one file to another directory. Apparently I didn’t get the logic and failed to do so. And when I went back to original catalog, my file was gone! Okay, so it didn’t copy it, but why did it delete it? It contained all my guestbook entries!

So I thought I could try to go back some pages within browser since I had viewed the file some time earlier. But it seemed that my browsing isn’t only through links, apparently I had used back button somewhere and so I couldn’t go back to that page because it didn’t exist in back button history.

My next try was to open history and navigate to that page. I found the page and it loaded but without the contents of my file because it was showed in text area and when I clicked the link in history it just asked the page again from server and so the area was empty. Which might have some security issues, because it let me open source of a file that didn’t exist anymore.

By that time I figured that the only way would be to get it from cache. So I typed in about:cache to firefox address bar and looked for similar entry. That was a success. I was able to get my .txt file just as it had been earlier.

So before you do something in cPanel’s file manager make sure that you understand its logic. In cPanel you click folder icons to move around and folder and file names to get info and options about them. So if you want to copy a file to a different directory then you first use folder icons to navigate into the right folder and then click file name to see options. You choose copy obviously and then you navigate to the folder you want it copied to. But while going there you don’t use folder names, only their icons! That’s what I didn’t get for a while. Now when you’re one folder up from the folder you want the copy placed in you click the folder name you want your file copied to. If it was a success you should see black arrow with your filename left from it and the place it was copied to at right side.


My mother bought a hula hoop. I believe the last time I twirled it was… em at least 5 years ago or so. But at the moment I can’t stop anymore. It’s fun! And twirling for about 90 seconds isn’t too easy at all if you aren’t in very good physical shape. And I’m not since autumn semester just ended and we have exams and most of time has been conquered by studying. At first I thought in ones and zeros, last few days in logic circuits and some coming days are going to be filled with integrals and such. In the end my paradigm will be ideal gas law.

Microsoft products :(((

I’ve tried to install IE7 …many times on my laptop. It doesn’t like me. I couldn’t find any of these errors they told you to search from log file. It didn’t install in safe mode either. You can find the log of my last attempt at the end of this post in case you’re smart and think you could help me after seeing it. I’d really like to check webpages I’ve coded with 7th version, after all you never know how weird IE can possibly render standard code.

Secondly I tried to install Media Player 11. Guess what? It stopped at 87% and told me that it wasn’t installed. It also gave me link to web help: now that helps a LOT, really.

00:00.000: =======================================================
00:00.438: Started: 2006/12/28 (Y/M/D) 14:19:13.406 (local)
00:00.594: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.750: Command line: c:\ac38bb11a403fc3d377e4661d1\update\iesetup.exe
00:01.625: INFO: Acquired Package Installer Mutex
00:01.766: INFO: Operating System: Windows Workstation: 5.1.2600 (Service Pack 2)
00:02.985: INFO: Checking version for C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe: 6.0.2900.2180
00:03.125: INFO: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe version: 6.0.2900.2180
00:03.219: INFO: Checking if iexplore.exe’s current version is between…
00:03.344: INFO: …and…
00:03.485: INFO: Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:…
00:03.657: INFO: iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:18.688: INFO: EULA Accepted
00:20.188: INFO: WGA Validation started
00:30.500: INFO: WGA Check Succeeded
00:39.703: INFO: Options selected:
00:40.000: INFO: [X] Download & install updates and MRT
00:40.188: INFO: |Initialize >>> >[BEGIN]——————————
00:40.219: INFO: |Initialize >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Looking for skip clauses
00:40.250: INFO: |Initialize >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Result: RUNNING This Phase
00:40.282: INFO: |Initialize >>> Calculating bytes needed to install.
00:40.313: INFO: |Initialize >>> 79276190 bytes needed to install.
00:40.344: INFO: |Initialize >>> Diskspace Required: 79276190, Diskpace Available 24231936
00:40.438: INFO: |Initialize >>> <[END]-------------------------------- 00:40.469: INFO: |Uninstall Prev. >>> >[BEGIN]——————————
00:40.516: INFO: |Uninstall Prev. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Looking for skip clauses
00:40.547: INFO: |Uninstall Prev. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: !_psdStateData->GetIsInitSuccessful()
00:40.578: INFO: |Uninstall Prev. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [TRUE ] Condition: !g_pApp->GetState()->GetUninstallPreviousRelease()
00:40.625: INFO: |Uninstall Prev. >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>>Result: SKIPPING This Phase
00:40.657: INFO: |Uninstall Prev. >>> <[END]-------------------------------- 00:40.688: INFO: |WU Download >>> >[BEGIN]——————————
00:40.735: INFO: |WU Download >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Looking for skip clauses
00:40.766: INFO: |WU Download >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: !_psdStateData->GetIsInitSuccessful()
00:40.797: INFO: |WU Download >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: !g_pApp->GetState()->GetOptShouldUpdate()
00:40.828: INFO: |WU Download >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetOptIEAKMode()==IEAK_BRANDING
00:40.860: INFO: |WU Download >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetUninstallPreviousRelease()
00:40.907: INFO: |WU Download >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Result: RUNNING This Phase
00:40.953: INFO: WindowsUpdate>>Search: Search criteria: ‘IsInstalled=0 and Type=’Software’ and CategoryIDs contains ‘CB263E3F-6C5A-4B71-88FA-1706F9549F51”
00:43.344: INFO: |WU Download >>> Looking for Internet Explorer updates…
01:10.422: WARNING: WindowsUpdate>>EXCPT: Exceptions encountered while searching for updates
01:10.453: INFO: WindowsUpdate>>Number of updates found: 0
01:10.485: INFO: |WU Download >>> No Internet Explorer updates were found.
01:10.547: INFO: |WU Download >>> <[END]-------------------------------- 01:10.594: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Upd. >>> >[BEGIN]——————————
01:10.625: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Upd. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Looking for skip clauses
01:10.672: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Upd. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: !_psdStateData->GetIsInitSuccessful()
01:10.688: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Upd. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: !g_pApp->GetState()->GetOptShouldUpdate()
01:10.735: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Upd. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [TRUE ] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetResultPreIEUpdateState()!=WU_COULD_DOWNLOAD
01:10.766: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Upd. >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetOptIEAKMode()==IEAK_BRANDING
01:10.813: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Upd. >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetUninstallPreviousRelease()
01:10.844: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Upd. >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>>Result: SKIPPING This Phase
01:10.875: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Upd. >>> <[END]-------------------------------- 01:10.907: INFO: |Running MRT >>> >[BEGIN]——————————
01:10.953: INFO: |Running MRT >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Looking for skip clauses
01:10.985: INFO: |Running MRT >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: !_psdStateData->GetIsInitSuccessful()
01:11.016: INFO: |Running MRT >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: !g_pApp->GetState()->GetOptShouldUpdate()
01:11.047: INFO: |Running MRT >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetOptIEAKMode()==IEAK_BRANDING
01:11.094: INFO: |Running MRT >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetUninstallPreviousRelease()
01:11.110: INFO: |Running MRT >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Result: RUNNING This Phase
01:11.594: INFO: Checking version for C:\WINDOWS\system32\mrt.exe: 1.23.1634.0
01:11.625: INFO: |Running MRT >>> MRT newer version detected.
01:11.657: INFO: |Running MRT >>> Running MRT with following command line: ‘mrt.exe /Q /I’
01:11.703: INFO: |Running MRT >>> Waiting for Malicious Software Removal Tool execution to complete…
01:11.766: INFO: Process 1828 created for ‘mrt.exe /Q /I’, starting in path ‘C:\WINDOWS\system32’
01:32.297: INFO: Process ‘mrt.exe /Q /I’ exited with exit code 0
01:32.344: INFO: |Running MRT >>> Malicious Software Removal Tool execution completed successfully, exitresult=0x00000000, exitcode=0x00000000
01:32.375: INFO: |Running MRT >>> <[END]-------------------------------- 01:32.422: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Progs. >>> >[BEGIN]——————————
01:32.453: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Progs. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Looking for skip clauses
01:32.485: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Progs. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: !_psdStateData->GetIsInitSuccessful()
01:32.516: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Progs. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetOptIEAKMode()==IEAK_BRANDING
01:32.563: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Progs. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetUninstallPreviousRelease()
01:32.625: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Progs. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Result: RUNNING This Phase
01:32.797: INFO: Released Package Installer Mutex
01:32.860: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Progs. >>> Waiting for xmllitesetup.exe execution to complete…
01:32.985: INFO: Process 2068 created for ‘xmllitesetup.exe /quiet /norestart /er /log:C:\WINDOWS’, starting in path ‘c:\ac38bb11a403fc3d377e4661d1\update’
02:12.016: INFO: Process ‘xmllitesetup.exe /quiet /norestart /er /log:C:\WINDOWS’ exited with exit code 0
02:12.125: INFO: Acquired Package Installer Mutex
02:12.157: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Progs. >>> xmllitesetup.exe installation completed successfully, exitresult=0x00000000, exitcode=0x00000000
02:12.250: INFO: Released Package Installer Mutex
02:12.282: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Progs. >>> Waiting for nlsdl.exe execution to complete…
02:12.313: INFO: Process 1096 created for ‘nlsdl.exe /quiet /norestart /er /log:C:\WINDOWS’, starting in path ‘c:\ac38bb11a403fc3d377e4661d1\update’
02:25.797: INFO: Process ‘nlsdl.exe /quiet /norestart /er /log:C:\WINDOWS’ exited with exit code 61453
02:25.844: INFO: Acquired Package Installer Mutex
02:25.875: ERROR: |Inst. Pre-Progs. >>> nlsdl.exe installation completed with errors, exitresult=0x00000000, exitcode=0x0000f00d
02:26.047: INFO: Released Package Installer Mutex
02:26.125: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Progs. >>> Waiting for idndl.exe execution to complete…
02:26.422: INFO: Process 1444 created for ‘idndl.exe /quiet /norestart /er /log:C:\WINDOWS’, starting in path ‘c:\ac38bb11a403fc3d377e4661d1\update’
02:26.500: INFO: Acquired Package Installer Mutex
02:26.578: INFO: |Inst. Pre-Progs. >>> <[END]-------------------------------- 02:26.610: WARNING: Not terminating still-running process: 'idndl.exe /quiet /norestart /er /log:C:\WINDOWS' 02:26.688: INFO: |IEAK Before >>> >[BEGIN]——————————
02:26.766: INFO: |IEAK Before >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Looking for skip clauses
02:26.797: INFO: |IEAK Before >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: !_psdStateData->GetIsInitSuccessful()
02:26.828: INFO: |IEAK Before >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [TRUE ] Condition: !g_pApp->GetState()->GetResultCouldInstallPreIEProg()
02:26.860: INFO: |IEAK Before >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [TRUE ] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetOptIEAKMode()!=IEAK_PACKAGE
02:26.891: INFO: |IEAK Before >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetUninstallPreviousRelease()
02:26.922: INFO: |IEAK Before >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>>Result: SKIPPING This Phase
02:26.953: INFO: |IEAK Before >>> <[END]-------------------------------- 02:26.985: INFO: |Inst. IE >>> >[BEGIN]——————————
02:27.032: INFO: |Inst. IE >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Looking for skip clauses
02:27.063: INFO: |Inst. IE >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: !_psdStateData->GetIsInitSuccessful()
02:27.110: INFO: |Inst. IE >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [TRUE ] Condition: !g_pApp->GetState()->GetResultCouldInstallPreIEProg()
02:27.172: INFO: |Inst. IE >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetOptIEAKMode()==IEAK_BRANDING
02:27.203: INFO: |Inst. IE >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetUninstallPreviousRelease()
02:27.235: INFO: |Inst. IE >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>>Result: SKIPPING This Phase
02:27.266: INFO: |Inst. IE >>> <[END]-------------------------------- 02:27.297: INFO: |IEAK After IE >>> >[BEGIN]——————————
02:27.344: INFO: |IEAK After IE >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Looking for skip clauses
02:27.375: INFO: |IEAK After IE >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: !_psdStateData->GetIsInitSuccessful()
02:27.407: INFO: |IEAK After IE >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [TRUE ] Condition: !g_pApp->GetState()->GetResultCouldInstallPreIEProg()
02:27.453: INFO: |IEAK After IE >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [TRUE ] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetOptIEAKMode()!=IEAK_PACKAGE
02:27.594: INFO: |IEAK After IE >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetUninstallPreviousRelease()
02:27.688: INFO: |IEAK After IE >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>>Result: SKIPPING This Phase
02:27.813: INFO: |IEAK After IE >>> <[END]-------------------------------- 02:27.907: INFO: |Inst. Post-Upd. >>> >[BEGIN]——————————
02:28.000: INFO: |Inst. Post-Upd. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Looking for skip clauses
02:28.141: INFO: |Inst. Post-Upd. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: !_psdStateData->GetIsInitSuccessful()
02:28.235: INFO: |Inst. Post-Upd. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: !g_pApp->GetState()->GetOptShouldUpdate()
02:28.297: INFO: |Inst. Post-Upd. >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [TRUE ] Condition: !g_pApp->GetState()->GetResultCouldInstallPreIEProg()
02:28.328: INFO: |Inst. Post-Upd. >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [TRUE ] Condition: !g_pApp->GetState()->GetResultCouldInstallIE()
02:28.407: INFO: |Inst. Post-Upd. >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [TRUE ] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetResultPostIEUpdateState()!=WU_COULD_DOWNLOAD
02:28.469: INFO: |Inst. Post-Upd. >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetOptIEAKMode()==IEAK_BRANDING
02:28.516: INFO: |Inst. Post-Upd. >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetUninstallPreviousRelease()
02:28.610: INFO: |Inst. Post-Upd. >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>>Result: SKIPPING This Phase
02:28.735: INFO: |Inst. Post-Upd. >>> <[END]-------------------------------- 02:28.782: INFO: |IEAK After IEUPD >>> >[BEGIN]——————————
02:28.813: INFO: |IEAK After IEUPD >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Looking for skip clauses
02:28.844: INFO: |IEAK After IEUPD >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: !_psdStateData->GetIsInitSuccessful()
02:28.875: INFO: |IEAK After IEUPD >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [TRUE ] Condition: !g_pApp->GetState()->GetResultCouldInstallPreIEProg()
02:28.907: INFO: |IEAK After IEUPD >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [TRUE ] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetOptIEAKMode()!=IEAK_PACKAGE
02:28.953: INFO: |IEAK After IEUPD >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetUninstallPreviousRelease()
02:28.985: INFO: |IEAK After IEUPD >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>>Result: SKIPPING This Phase
02:29.016: INFO: |IEAK After IEUPD >>> <[END]-------------------------------- 02:29.078: INFO: |IEAK Finalize >>> >[BEGIN]——————————
02:29.235: INFO: |IEAK Finalize >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Looking for skip clauses
02:29.282: INFO: |IEAK Finalize >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: !_psdStateData->GetIsInitSuccessful()
02:29.328: INFO: |IEAK Finalize >>> SKIP[FALSE]>> Adding [TRUE ] Condition: !g_pApp->GetState()->GetResultCouldInstallPreIEProg()
02:29.360: INFO: |IEAK Finalize >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [TRUE ] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetOptIEAKMode()==IEAK_NONE
02:29.391: INFO: |IEAK Finalize >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>> Adding [FALSE] Condition: g_pApp->GetState()->GetUninstallPreviousRelease()
02:29.422: INFO: |IEAK Finalize >>> SKIP[TRUE ]>>Result: SKIPPING This Phase
02:29.469: INFO: |IEAK Finalize >>> <[END]-------------------------------- 02:29.500: INFO: |Finalize >>> >[BEGIN]——————————
02:29.532: INFO: |Finalize >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Looking for skip clauses
02:29.563: INFO: |Finalize >>> SKIP[FALSE]>>Result: RUNNING This Phase
02:29.594: INFO: |Finalize >>> <[END]-------------------------------- 02:52.735: INFO: REBOOT: required. 02:52.860: INFO: REBOOT: User selected to reboot now. 02:53.000: INFO: Installer return value: hr=0x00000000 02:53.203: INFO: Setup exit code: 0x00000000. 02:53.313: INFO: Installer Process exit code: 0x0000f00d. 02:53.344: INFO: Rebooting computer...

Note: my problems were solved after repair install.