On Friday last week I visited Tallinn City Theatre. I’ve never been there before and I liked it very much. I went there to see concert named Estonian Theatre Songs (Eesti teatri laulud). It consisted of songs from Koidula’s era to Olav Ehala’s music. Songs were performed by Hele Kõre, Evelin Pang, Argo Aadli, Andero Ermel, Mart Toome, Indrek Ojari, Riina Roose, Jaak Jürisson and Indrek Tiisel. Four of them are graduates of Estonian Higher Drama School from 2002 and that is the group of actors whose performing I always enjoy. Once again I was convinced that I like singing actors more than singing singers. Actors just do it so much better because of all movements and facial expressions. And these actors sing very professionally in my opinion. If they only wanted I believe they would be successful singers by now instead of actors. Fortunately they chose acting and I can see as many of their plays as possible. I’ve been humming all melodies I can remember throughout the week :)
From theatre’s homepage I read that they have a plan to put this music on cd, so thumbs up because this is the disc I must have.
Other than that there’s school keeping me busy enough so I’m writing this week later. Now I really should go on with learning oracle so this is the end of this entry.
Selle sissekandega lõpeb ilmselt eestikeelse ajaveebi ehk blogi pidamine. Edaspidi võib siit lugeda vaid lehekülje uuenduste kohta. Ingliskeelne jääb alles, kui peaksite soovima lugeda.
Sweden trip, teachers day and thoughts on digital camera
Being to Sweden from 29th September till 1st of October was nice. There wasn’t much wind so the sea was quiet and it was pleasant on a ship. However I don’t quite feel comfortable sleeping on board, not because of waves but because of the sound of engine. We had our cabin on 5th deck and we could hear that.
When we arrived at Stockholm we had city tour and a visit to Vasa Museum. The tour didn’t last for long, I’d say about an hour, so we couldn’t see much. Even so I loved all Art Nouveau buildings. These always remind me the book Karlsson-on-the-Roof by Astrid Lindgren. That writer sure knew how to write books that children like. I have also read the Pippi Longstocking, The Six Bullerby Children and seen Tjorven which I liked all.
The Vasa Museum was even more fascinating. That ship of vikings is so big and so well preserved. And the little lighting that is good for the ship also adds mystery to it. Too bad they didn’t think through better how to put ballast and the ship sank. But who knows maybe it would be destroyed by now if it haven’t sunk.
On 7th October we had teacher’s day at school meaning we, 12th graders, were teaching younger students. We had 5 lessons, two with 6th graders and three with 7th graders. The first lesson was literature with 7th grade that went pretty well. The topic was diffrent rhyme types and exept all annoying questions quite many of them actually studied. Next we had Estonian with another 7th grade. We managed to do some work but since things went slow we got done less than had planned to do. Third lesson with 7th grade was a total disaster. Although material was exactly the same as in previous lesson we got done less. They had absolutely no discipline! And the teacher said that they are not the worst class but the second one! After that we had Estonian and literature with 6th class and these two lessons were really enjoyable. There were about 15 students and all behaved well. We worked during the break aswell and they got home about 20 minutes earlier that they were supposed to since all work was done.
Looking back at it now, I didn’t want to become a teacher earlier and my thoughts haven’t changed. Still it gave me another experience about how many things a teacher has to consider every day. Therefore almost all teachers should be envied because of being able to do such work 5 days a week and more while having medium salary only.
I remember that I first decided to go for a digital camera somewhen this spring. Yet I don’t have it as of the moment of writing. But I’ve managed to save enough money so I can buy it before christmas. I’ve chosen Canon Powershot a520 but if the prices keep falling I might get a610 for the same amount of money. Feeling excited about that :).
Post from late September
I just finished my icons. Yay. I got so bored of making them in the end. But they look nice in my opinion. Maybe I’ll share them with you later.
Tomorrow evening I’ll go to Sweden. It’s awarding trip from school for my good results in math olympiad last year. I’ll come back to Estonia on Saturday so I get one day free from school :)
I don’t feel like writing long article here so this is the end of this post.