Bit late but I had math exam today so I had to study yesterday but here they are What-ifs .
1. What if you had to choose whether to die in one week, or, starting tomorrow, live your life backwards until you cease to exist (meaning, you wake up tomorrow and it was two days ago, and the next day it was three days before that, and so forth, through your entire life, until before you were born)?
I’d chosse second one, cause there are plenty wonderful things I have done and it would be nice to relive them. I’ve got just one doubt: what if it doesn’t feel the same any more? At least you know what’s happening next and feel safe. Another reason is that I feel I want to do so much before dying.
2. What if you had to choose whether to die tomorrow, or live out the rest of your life as a tree?
Tree? What tree? Where? Next to what? Can I communicate with other plants and animals? Would it happen in good environment? Would it be sure that someone don’t cut me off? If I can choose my type, place where to grow, communication, good environment and know that I won’t be cut off then I would live as a tree.
3. What if you had to choose whether to, starting next week, live out the rest of your life alone in Antartica (with enough supplies to last but zero hope of rescue or escape) and be allowed one day of “going home” per year, or agree to go with the friendly aliens that landed in your backyard to explore other worlds for the rest of your life without ever once returning for even a visit?
They are so equal! But friendly aliens would be more interesting. Who knows maybe it is possible to find great friends out there on other planets? So what if they are aliens? Don’t really care.
4. What if you had to choose whether to be imprisoned five days per week for the rest of your life, or contract sudden, incurable amnesia, and never remember who you really were or see anyone you loved again?
Don’t think I don’t care about my close ones, but you can always find new people to get friends with. But I would choose amnesia only if I would have great memory after that one time. If I have no memory at all I’d prefer to be imprisoned.
5. What if, upon your death, you had to choose whether to unsuccessfully roll that big boulder up that hill in Hell for eternity, or simply cease to exist?
Not good at english, could someone explain the question in easier words?

At least estonian examination is over…huh, it was stressy. Long cycling was just what I needed. Only five kilometres but still tired, well haven’t rode for long time too.

1. What if you had to wear one item of clothing every single day for the rest of your life?
Could it be bracelet? Maybe underwear then but it wont last that long….
2. What if you had to stay in one town/city and never step foot outside its lines for the rest of your life?
Same place where I am now–with my friends at Keila.
3. What if you had to eat and drink only one kind of food and one kind of beverage for the rest of your life?
Lasagne or macaronis with salad and apple juice.
4. What if you had to pretend to be someone else for the rest of your life?
I’d pretend to be the way I want to be now but cant because I haven’t that strong character.
5. What if you could only have one of your five senses (touch, sight, hearing, smell, or taste) for the rest of your life?
If I have to eat the same then I want to feel taste too.

It was nice school free day today, we just visited museum. It was great especially those talks in bus with my friends, Kelly really made me laugh a lot, until tears even. Tomorrow there will be last day when teachers can put marks, after there will be just consultations for coming exams in June. And on Friday results of homepages competition will be published at